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Wang's Happy Trading Daily Posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

4/18/07 Review: Nasdaq, DOW, SPX, SOX, OIH, GLD, GOOG, EBAY, JPM

Hello! It’s “Wang’s World”, HappyTrading’s new home!! What an auspicous day it is to have my first post here on a day that the DOW makes a new, all-time, high!! Woohoo! Wang’s World, Wang’s World, money time, happy time!! =) Ok, had to do a little impersonation; I promise I will “tryyyyy” to “behaaaave”!

Thanks to Phil Davis for inviting me to blog with him on PSW! And, hello to Sage, Zman; and many thanks to Jared!

Ok, where do we start? Oh, yes, the DOW!
New all-time high, just climbing the upper BB! (Why do I keep on hearing Mike Myer’s voice saying what I’m typing?!) It is above 12800 boys and girls! SPX, the SP 500 index, shares the same qualities as DOW’s charts, “just climbing the upper BB”.

Nasdaq had a little more difficult time today, even though the SOX took off! IBM and YHOO may have something to do with it...

***If you want to read the rest of the post, please click here to go to Wang's World!

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